- Beds for home and Health Care Facilities
Easy Drain Care Products
Hospitals, nursing homes, Hospice facilities and other healthcare facilities, in Dallas/Ft. Worth and other major cities around the U.S., have come to trust Easy Drain Care Products for providing innovative, quality health products and solutions to meet their client’s needs.

HCPCS Approved
Product Care of The Future
- What it does
Features and Benefits
- Eliminates pooling of fluids on the sleeping surface
- Provides care for one suffering from incontinence
- Improves Overall patient hygiene
- Saves time and money
- Water-proof mattress, easy to clean and sanitize
- Reduces falls associated with toileting and transfers

About Us
Easy Drain Care Products designs, engineers and delivers the next generation in beds and mattresses, and other health-oriented products, to provide the utmost comfort and care for bed-ridden clients.
To be a viable, vibrant, and robust company spanning the globe and reaching into new markets and new customers. Urine Draining System Sleep in comfort on a water proof,
We Empower Homes & Healthcare Facilities with Care products of the Future
- Your path to success
Spend less time writing a plan and more time building your business. We help you with the tools you need to communicate your idea.
Accelerate innovation
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- Work Process
Our Work Process
How we deliver our products